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Cathedral Nintendo Switch Review – Retro Metroidvania Done Right

Developed by Decemberborn Interactive and combining the likes of Castlevania, Metroid, Wonder Boy and Legend of Zelda, Cathedral is a lovingly made retro 8-bit Metroidvania that will pull you deep into its expansive world while testing your gaming prowess. Cathedral…

Werewolf the Apocalypse: Earthblood Review – All Bark and No Bite

Werewolf the Apocalypse is an iconic Tabletop RPG first published in 1991 that has been eclipsed by the more popular, and inferior, Vampire the Masquerade. Set in the same universe the game has you take on the role of werewolves…

Olija Review

Olija – pronounced β€œo-li-yah” if you are wondering what the hell that sound is when you load into the game – is a fantastic indie action-platformer that has a strong focus on the narrative and atmosphere, while still providing a…