Ghost Fish Games, a division of Other Ocean Group have confirmed that Tabletop Gods, the highly anticipated arcade action battle game, is now available in Early Access on Steam.
In Tabletop Gods, you play a power-hungry God commanding devout mortal followers across tabletop battlefields in frenetic, arcade-style combat against other players! Cast powerful spells to thwart your enemy’s advances or to bolster your own attacks. Destroy your enemy’s Strongholds to gain new territory. Command your believers to squash the other player’s heathen troops!
“Our Ghost Fish Games division is lead by an elite team of veteran developers who have combined a traditional tabletop war game experience with frenetic, arcade-action and aspects of the tower defence genre,” said Deirdre Ayre, Head of Operations for Other Ocean Group Canada. “In addition to desktop PC gameplay, Tabletop Gods can also be played in Virtual Reality, giving players the visceral experience of looming over the tabletop battlefield as they lead their troops to war against their opponent,” added Ayre.
Tabletop Gods will first release on the Steam Store in Early Access for PC Windows, and in Virtual Reality for HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift + Touch with Xbox controller support; Other VR platforms are planned to follow. It is priced at $19.99 USD.
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