Three years ago, Paradox Development Studio expanded on its beloved Hearts of Iron series with the fourth version of the World War II simulation game. With a greater focus on long-range planning and alternate histories, Hearts of Iron IV quickly became popular with armchair generals and all those who think they have a better battle plan for France.
Hearts of Iron IV marks this anniversary with a relaunch of its official website. will now provide players with up to date information on the status of the game, as well as reveals of upcoming features and downloadable content and more to come!
Earlier this week, Paradox released two new DLC packs for Hearts of Iron IV – a new pack of armor graphics for the major Axis powers and a radio pack that highlights new music for each of the major factions in an attractive music player.
“The last three years have been a crazy journey for us, shaping HOI4 into its current form. We feel like we’ve done this alongside the players,” said Hearts of Iron game director Dan Lind, “I can’t wait to see what the coming years have in stock for us!”
Paradox Development Studio thanks its community for the support they have offered Hearts of Iron over the last three years. There are still many stories about World War II (or alternate World Wars) that we have yet to examine, and we look forward to bringing them to life.