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Aidan Bates

Senior Journalist

359 Articles0 Comments

Computer Games Design Graduate from Staffordshire University with Animation and Motion Capture as my main subject. I am a neutralist both in world views and people, everyone and everything is equal. If sexism comes up in a game I will weigh it based on the themes at play and the story implications it has. Not afraid to give harsh criticism. Graphics and technology don't make the game, it's the gameplay that makes the game. Favourite Genres: RPG, Adventure, Action. Favourite Games: Joint 1. Final Fantasy VII (PS1) Joint 1. Jade Cocoon (PS1) 3. Persona 3 (PS2) 4. Tales Of Vesperia (X360) 5. Dragons Dogma (X360)

Dishonored: Definitive Edition Review

Dishonored: Definitive Edition, a slightly upgraded version of what a lot of people deemed to be their game of the year back in 2012. Developed by Arkane Studies and published by Bethesda, Dishonored again puts us in the shoes of…

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Review

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3, another in the Warriors series of games by Omega Force, is an action game following the famous Anime series. Luffy and the game return in their 3rd Warriors style game, however it starts from the…

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami, this game continues on from where Ground Zeroes left off with Naked Snake’s Oil Rig base getting attacked by Cipher. Shifting an almost always linear…

Tales from the Borderlands Episode 4 – ‘Escape Plan Bravo’ Review

Tales from the Borderlands is another game developed by Telltale Games in their line of Episode Point-and-click adventure games, following in the steps of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. With the companies rise to popularity of late…

Sword Art Online: Re Hollow Fragment Review

Sword Art Online: Re Hollow Fragment is a Director’s cut of the Hollow Fragment game to release for the first time on PlayStation 4 with up scaled graphics from the PSVita release. With the original game, Infinity moment, only rel3easing…

Lost Dimension Review

Lost Dimension is a new tactical game developed by Lancarse, a Third-Party development team that works mostly with Atlus on games, including Etrian Odyssey and Strange Journey. Almost a year after the Japanese release, Lost Dimension follows a group of…

The Xenta 303 2.1 Channel Subwoofer Speaker System Review

The Xenta 303 2.1 channel Subwoofer speaker System is a rather small set of speakers by Xenta yet again. Aiming to fill a room with high quality sound and bass, this system comes packed with 2 speakers and a subwoofer…

Tormentum – Dark Sorrow Review

Tormentum – Dark Sorrow is a new Point and Click adventure game by developer Oh Noo, who have only made an iPad interactive book before this game. Taking the style of Demon/Dark souls and combining it with the point and…

Way of The Samurai 4 Review

Way of The Samurai 4 is a Samurai game developed by Acquire, mostly known for their work on the Tenchu series, which follows a Ronin who enters a town full of chaos and decisions. Following on from what could be…

Life is Strange Episode 4 Review

Life is strange is a new game from Developer Dontnod, who most know from their first game Remember Me that some say bombed and others loved. Life is Strange follows a girl called Max as she returns to her hometown…