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Alison & Co
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Hello, My name is Alison, I am the site manager of IGC and good friends of Craig (Finite), I actually live on the same street as him, that's how close we are. This account is being used to post news by myself, and a few members of our team. Personally, I am an avid fan of JRPG's and RPG's in general, I also love old school retro platformers like Mario, and finally, for some reason, I enjoy souls-like games. I run my own business along with 2 other sites, one for holidays and the other for music. This year I hope to grow my business more and maybe find my one true love. You can contact me at

Final Fantasy XV’s City of Lestallum Discovered in Episode Duscae Demo by Exploring Fan

When they released the 2.0 version of Final Fantasy XV‘s demo Episode Duscae, the good folks at Square Enix tried their very best to prevent players. Users used various methods in 1.0 to explore the demo and discover all sorts…

Former Dead Island 2 Dev Says Losing Project Was a “Catastrophic” Blow

Spec Ops: The Line developer Yager is no longer working on zombie game Dead Island 2 after the company’s vision for the title “fell out of alignment” with publisher Deep Silver’s. “Having a project cancelled in such a late state…

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below

Blighted by the night, vanquishing the plight by the children of the light. No video game character conveys endearment and sadism in a single expression as well as the Blue Slimes. In Dragon Quest Heroes: The World’s Tree Woe and…

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be more than just a game

Horizon Hero Dawn came as a surprise to many after it was unveiled earlier this year at E3. Starring a female hero, the game seems to feature a clashing theme of low and high-tech equipment and enemies. Guerilla Games is…

Star Wars actor left Uncharted 4 cast after ‘weird changes’

Uncharted 4 lost its writer and then its director in early 2014 amid allegations that writer Amy Hennig was “forced out” by The Last of Us’ Neil Druckmann and Bruce Starlet. A year later, the game was delayed from its…

Tropico 5 PS4 Review

My earliest memories of gaming are booting up our family PC and spending hours on The Sims, Populous and Age of Empires, games which in the 17 years since I have rarely looked back on. To me these were just…

Tecevo FX5 Sport Bluetooth Earphones Review

For some time now I have reviewed headphones and earphones from the best of the best like SteelSeries, Razer and Cool Master just to name a few, now I have my first Bluetooth set of earphones from Tecevo. The ‘FX5…

“Put your money where your mouth is” – Tossed seeks 10th anniversary crowdfunding

Tossed, the healthier eating place, is seeking to raise £750,000 on equity crowdfunding platform Seedrs as it offers its guests and fans a first opportunity to share in its success.  Calling on them “to put their money where their mouth…

Stop Gaming and Read – Waiting for the Machines to Fall Asleep

It’s time for you to take a break from your gaming, because the future awaits you. Please don’t be afraid, it’s better to know what’s coming. Just take a deep breath, download the attached copy of the Swedish science fiction…

Interactive Gaming Service Win Cash Live Launches On STV

From 1 July, STV’s viewers will be given an exclusive opportunity to interact with new multi-media gaming service Win Cash Live Win Cash Live will offer a nightly blend of light entertainment and interactive gaming using premium rate phone lines A new…