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Freelance Submission
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Our Freelance Artists are from all walks of life that create unique and engaging content as and when they can. They currently work with other sites, including some very close to home If you are interested in becoming a freelance writer for us please email the following address -

4 Tech Trends Improving Gaming Experience in 2020

It is amazing how gaming technology has evolved over the years. Up-and-coming advances in technology are revolutionizing the user experience (UX) and changing the way people interact with games. Such advances are pretty sophisticated and are blurring the lines between…

XCOM 2 Collection Review

Yes I know XCOM 2 has been out for a while now and has been released on many platforms, Since 5 February 2016 to be precise, and at the time I was very much burning myself out on it. But…

How Video Games Changed Our Culture

With the development of technology, the culture is changing too. There is no vast scientific advance that doesn’t leave a trace on the way humans lead their lives. The emergence of the printing press, for instance, opened the door for…

Streaming 101: Four tips for getting started

Streaming has grown exponentially since Covid-19 began, with the livestreaming sector achieving 45% growth between March and April. And no doubt many people across the world are trialling out streaming as a way to stay connected and continue their favourite hobbies…

10 games that help sharpen your memory

Just like our muscles, we need to train our brain from time to time so that it can work at its best capacity. Think of the brain as another muscle that takes care of the whole body. However, this muscle…

Internet Speed and Online Gaming: Everything You Need to Know

If your internet is slower than your reaction time, gaming on any platform can be next to impossible. Choose the right balance of download speed, upload speed, stability, and ping for the perfect gaming experience that won’t leave you in…

Metro Exodus Review

Developed by 4A Games, Metro Exodus is the third installment in the Metro video game series based on Dmitry Glukhovsky’s novels. Following the events of Metro 2033 and Last Light, Artyom has left the Spartan Order and is convinced there…

Final Fantasy IX Nintendo Switch Review

I first played a Final Fantasy back way back, well too far back, it was on PC and it was Final Fantasy 7 followed by every other one, until the franchise moved on to PlayStation and I sort of lost…

The Ultimate Online Privacy Guide 2019

Edward Snowden’s NSA spying revelations highlighted just how much we have sacrificed to the gods of technology and convenience something we used to take for granted, and once considered a basic human right – our privacy. It is just not…

Mages of Mystralia Review

There is nothing better than an action-adventure game that offers more than just side quests a basic skills tree and nothing much else, Mages of Mystralia offers everything you want but comes off a little lacking in areas. After the…