Experience an all-new Theatre of War in USAAF and pilot the much-requested American Bomber. Work with a crew of 9 patriotic Americans, complete with aviators, and face threats from both the air and sea. Do whatever you can to make Uncle Sam’s day! In addition to the new plane and crew size, players will have more custom livery options for their planes so they can showcase their patriotism on these vast American Bombers.
USAAF DLC takes off today on PC and is part of the Bomber Crew Season Pass, priced at £9.99/€9.99/$9.99. This grants access to the previously released Secret Weapons DLC as well as USAAF DLC. USAAF DLC is also sold separately and is priced at £5.99/€6.99/$6.99. USAAF DLC will be landing on consoles in 2019.
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