Lego has been around since 1947 and has taken many different forms and offers thousands of different sets for kids and adults to play with and enjoy. Though it wasn’t going to be left behind when technology came into the mix and was picked up by Traveller’s Tales, who over the years have provided us with spectacular Lego games that have everyone asking for more. I personally love these games and couldn’t say no to the latest installment that came out recently. Lego DC Super-villains is a clever twist as it sees the player playing from the Villains point of view and allows the player to see what it’s truly like being a villain in the DC universe… well, a more child-friendly rendition.
It plays out like any other Lego game which is perfect and offers a new feature that lets you create your very own super-Villains that will aid the progression of the story. I like that it’s the first time in the series that they have made your custom characters have a huge role in the story. In Lego DC Super Villains you will take a break from playing as the Hero’s and instead embark on an epic journey as the Villains. There is a new justice league in town who goes by the name of the Justice syndicate. They have come from earth three and tell the original justice league they are here to help, but something isn’t right about them and they end up making the original justice league disappear and proceed to go about their own evil plan. It’s up to the Villains of DC and your custom character who by the way has the ability to absorb superpowers to put a stop to these new “Heroes”.
At the beginning of the game you’re able to make your own custom character, I wasn’t expecting much with it being a Lego game but the level of detail that goes into making your own character is incredible. You can choose everything from the way they look, their fighting style, weapons and you’ll even choose the name. If this isn’t enough, you are able to change your character at any point in the story which is cool because if you fancy a change of look or playstyle you can do it so easily. I loved the fact that my character has the ability to get loads of superpowers because it’s cool to be the big dog in town, even if your character doesn’t speak.
So the game is made up of story elements and free roam, there is a lot to do in the game like collecting studs, character and even doing various races and side quests that are dotted around the semi-open world. It would have been nice to see a bigger scale Hub world but I’ll happily take a shrunken version of Gotham and Metropolis to roam around.
You’ll still have all the goodies like your Gold and Red bricks as well as trying to achieve that True Villain rank by collecting a certain amount of studs per level but the fun doesn’t end there because, by completing a level you unlock free play mode which allows you to hop back into the levels as any characters you want, which in turn allows you to go back and collect all the other collectibles which I personally love. It is nice trying to unlock all the characters, bricks and vehicles it’s one of the main reasons I spend so long in these games.
There is the option for multiplayer which is done by two players locally via split screen. This is handy because it allows for friends and family to pick up a pad and complete levels together or just mess around in the Hub world. Though the camera angles for the split screen can get annoying and also if one player runs into a side quest then everyone comes to a halt which can be a pain if the other player was mid collecting/doing something. That being said camera angles, in general, in the game are very poor as sometimes you lose track of characters behind objects or even miss out on studs and collectibles. Personally, this has been an ongoing issue with most Lego games and is not a surprise to see in Lego Dc Super-Villains.
Each character has their own unique play style which in turn makes the gameplay more enjoyable, because it encourages you to unlock new characters to be able to get certain collectibles or even do certain races. I personally love playing as Harley because of her big hammer and also Sinestro because of his fear ring and the ability to fly around. With over 50 DC characters at your disposal, you’ll not only have fun collecting them all but also learning more about the awesomeness that is the DC universe.
Graphically as far as a Lego game goes it has to be the most polished one yet. The level designs are so clever in the way they mix Lego and realistic scenes together but make it look so natural. The soundtrack is epic and without a doubt perfect for the game, and the best thing is the voice acting for the characters. It was the best thing that they ever did to the Lego game franchise and you can see why in this game, the humour and wittiness between characters is so funny at times and the way that each character is played really makes them unique and represents the Dark, Gritty characters of DC in a new bundle of fun way.
With every Lego game, you know that the replay value is a big feature. Whether it be replaying missions in free play mode to unlock new characters, vehicles or hidden bricks or doing races and collectibles in the main hub area. Even when you have completed the story it still offers hours of fun which for people that like 100% games can do without getting bored.
Closing Statement
Over recent years the DC Universe has had some rough patches when it comes to their films but this isn’t the case for the comics and games. Lego DC has had some fantastic heavy hitters in the Lego game series and has offered yet another fun pack game into the mix. Sure it had the issues with the camera angles (which seems to be present in every Lego game) and the lack of free roam in terms of map size but these were the only two things I could point out as its faults. If you love Lego games then there is no reason why you wouldn’t want this game. The fact I could make my own Super-Villain and also play from a different perspective really made the game feel different, even though it wasn’t. The characters you can play as, really allows for hours of fun and have fan favourite from the DC universe. You’d think by now that we’d be sick of these games but honestly, it’s the complete opposite. The level of creativity that Traveller’s Tales goes to each time really pays off and again does so with this awesome addition to the series. Lego DC Super-Villains really does deserves the score of 8 out of 10.
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