New information for the highly anticipated Pokémon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet video games was revealed during the closing ceremony on Sunday, introducing a new regional Pokémon, a deeper look at the Terastal Phenomenon and more. The Pokémon Company and Creatures also announced the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG): Scarlet & Violet Series, launching in 2023. The Scarlet & Violet Series will become the new Standard format for competitive play.
Pokémon Trading Card Game: Scarlet & Violet Series and Pokémon ex Gameplay Mechanic has been unveiled during the Pokémon World Championships was Pokémon ex, a new gameplay mechanic that will release in the Scarlet & Violet Series. Featuring fan-favorite Pokémon and newly discovered ones, Pokémon ex will appear in each stage of evolution and have high HP, as well as powerful attacks and Abilities.
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