Werewolves. We’ve seen a lot of them recently with films such as Twilight, though the gaming world hasn’t seen the werewolf story executed in a fair while. A new release Sang-Froid – Tales of Werewolves (abbreviated in this review to ‘ToW’) re-introduces the werewolf story but in a tower-defence-esque game.
ToW was co-written by author Bryan Perro a best-selling Quebec writer who has written books such as Amos Daragon and Wariwulf. With this in mind you would expect ToW to have an outstanding and captivating story, though sadly this really isn’t the case. Don’t get me wrong in the slightest, there is a story within this game though it just feels very lacking and as if it is there just to give reason to the combat and gameplay which is actually taking place within the game. In-fact I was more disappointed by the fact that was co-written by a best-selling author due to the story being so lacking than the story being lacking itself. The game is set over a month period, with you selecting missions by selecting a date on the character. When playing you have the choice between two characters and depending on the character you chose you will either be playing on a Normal difficulty or a Hard difficulty.
The gameplay in the game is very interesting with two different game modes which support each other. These two game modes are ‘Day’ and ‘Night’. Within the day you will have to plan traps efficiently to ensure that the night game mode is easier to play, I noticed this when playing some of the night missions as I’d not planned well within the day. Due to this I had a very difficult time completing the night missions. This was a very surprising feature to have within the game and I believe it has been pulled off effectively, the fact that it encourages the player to efficiently plan out in advance is a very nice touch to ToW. Difficulty was one thing I noticed within the game that was rather strange. At the beginning of ToW the game felt very easy and basic, though as I ventured throughout the game it became fairly difficult and caused me to die several times whilst playing. The learning curve is good though I feel like the difficulty could have maybe ramped up slower to allow players to feel more comfortable with the game, though really this is a minor problem as the gameplay is still fun just maybe a little too challenging. The game’s tutorial level is a nice introduction to the world and teaches you the basics to playing the game (as you’d come to expect in tutorials these days!) though I also commend it for being short and sweet, yet getting to the point. Many tutorials have a problem where they drag on much longer than needed for players whereas ToW seems to have the tutorial done perfectly, not holding onto the players hand for too long but also not leaving them within the game and having no clue of what to do.
When playing games I always look for a beautiful and captivating soundtrack. Sang-Froid – Tales of Werewolves soundtrack is great and does not get dull when playing the game. The feel of the soundtrack fits the gameplay and it overall makes the game feel great.
The art style is an interesting one in itself. It is a unique art style which hasn’t been done before, though I couldn’t help feel that it was very basic and didn’t look as beautiful or captivating as many game styles we see these days. I feel the game could have done with more refined textures to give it a bit more beauty and look even on par with some of the current games being launched today.
While I have mentioned gameplay earlier, I wanted to bring it up again later on in the review (well we’re here now…). Sang-Froid – Tales of Werewolves has addictive gameplay which makes you want to play it again and again – with a great RPG style upgrade system. Players will feel an urge to want to fully upgrade as much as they can, causing them to replay ToW several times.
Overall Sang-Froid – Tales of Werewolves is an average game. I cannot say that it is a bad game though I cannot say it is a great game, it is… mediocre. It does have addictive and engaging gameplay which will be enjoyed by many, though this is supported with a lackluster story. The fact that the game is written by a best spelling author is slightly disappointing that the story did not stand out compared to other stories. Yes the game has it’s problems though it also is a great game at the same time. Whatever you take from this review know one thing, it is a worthwhile game to check out and I wouldn’t recommend passing this game!
Buy the game on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/227220/?snr=1_4_4__103
Disclaimer:All scores given within our reviews are based on the artist’s personal opinion; this should in no way impede your decision to purchase the game.
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