gamigo has announced the release of “Patch 35: Ultimate Force” in its MMORPG, Grand Fantasia. The patch introduces new end-game content for level 100 characters, events to celebrate the mid-autumn season, and additional quality-of-life improvements. Grand Fantasia’s Patch 35: Ultimate Force includes: Unlimited Power!: Once players reach level…
gamigo games haunted by Skeletons, Pumpkins, Ghosts
Out of nowhere and as a complete surprise to all players, the games of gamigo group once again experience an influx of creatures of horror as well as scary quests and adventures all around in the days leading up to October…
Explore the Sprite Sanctuary in Grand Fantasia’s New Update
The colourful anime RPG Grand Fantasia has grown a little largeras gamigo has announced that the Sprite Sanctuary is now open for intrepid explorers. Curious spellcasters and valiant wanderers can explore a new dungeon, fight fearsome bosses, and look forward…
Anime RPG Grand Fantasia brings out Eggs and Bunnies
gamigo invites the players of Grand Fantasia to Ilya’s annual Easter Spectacle. Visitors can look forward to special events and festive titles. Marking the arrival of spring, adventurers of Grand Fantasia celebrate Easter with a traditional egg hunt. Players must…
Grand Fantasia: PvP tournament convenes fighters from the whole world
On October 20, the preliminary round for the long-awaited PvP World Tournament of MMORPG Grand Fantasia is starting. Aeria Games, a subsidiary of the gamigo group, organizes the popular tournament already for the third time for all fans of the anime role-playing game.…
A new character class enhances the Grand Fantasia gaming experience
A new class of heroes is changing between dimensions, in the anime online role-playing game Grand Fantasia. Gamigo, one of the leading gaming companies in Europe and North America, announces this today. The Wanderer, a new variable damage dealer, enhances…
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