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Mugen Souls Z Switch Review

A decade-old game and dialogues that never seem to end. That’s how I sum up my two-week-long adventure across the twelve new worlds that Lady Chou-Chou and the gang has set their eyes on this time around. Mugen Souls Z,…

Mary Skelter Finale PC Review

Mary Skelter Finale is, as the name suggests, the finale to the Mary Skelter saga. The original Mary Skelter launched back in 2017 and was followed by the sequel Mary Skelter 2 in 2019. Now we finally have the finale…

Dokapon Kingdom Connect Review

Dokapon Kingdom Connect from Idea Factory is a game that offers more than any Mario Party Game could, with an enriching story and a lot of gags with literal HOURS of content? The land where RNG isn’t with the dice,…

Fairy Fencer F Refrain Chord Switch Review – A laid-back tactical experience

Compile Heart has been one of my favourite game developers of recent years – there’s no denying it and they have released Fairy Fencer F Refrain Chord. Whilst you could never call their games genre-defining or revolutionary, they represent a…

Sympathy Kiss arrives on Nintendo Switch Early 2024

Idea Factory has announced the immersive work-life otome title, Sympathy Kiss, will be arriving physically and digitally in North America and Europe for the Nintendo Switch™ early 2024. Fans can mix business with pleasure as a modern-day office worker in…

Neptunia Game Maker R Evolution Heads West in 2024

Idea Factory International has announced Neptunia Game Maker R Evolution, will arrive physically and digitally for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch in 2024. The self-referential series tackles the video game industry once again, but this time, the…

Little Witch Nobeta Switch Review

Pupuya Games Little Witch Nobeta is, dare I say it, a charming breath of fresh air take on the Souls-lite genre. Correction, the subgenre of the Souls genre that’s based around projectile combat rather than close-quarters melee throw downs. Think…

Little Witch Nobeta is OUT NOW

Idea Factory has announced that the soulslike, 3D action shooter, Little Witch Nobeta is out now physically and digitally for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. Fans can also check out the new ULTIMATE Guide Trailer which teaches newcomers the…

Little Witch Nobeta First Look

There’s currently no shortage of Souls-likes in the gaming market at the moment. If anything, the market is starting to become saturated with the genre, making it increasingly difficult to cut the wheat from the chaff. So if you’re going…

Idea Factory Brings Charade Maniacs to the west

Idea Factory has announced Charade Maniacs, will be arriving physically and digitally in Europe for the Nintendo Switch this Summer. Take on the role of Hiyori Sena, a high school sophomore who has been abducted by a masked figure. Trapped…