League of Angels III Archives | Page 2 of 2 | Invision Game Community
Athena Arrives in League of Angels III

Although it’s unlikely the goddess Athena was ever partial to a pint of Guinness, League of Angels III’s latest Mythic Hero arrives just in time for another fantastic series of holiday events — including St. Patrick’s Day. Debuting as a…

League of Angels III — Love is (still) in the air

Valentine’s Day has come and gone — your only lasting recollection may be a less than stellar bank balance. Fear not though, for in League of Angels III the love lives on … the gifts are all yours and The…

League of Angels III celebrates Theresa and her dancing

While large chunks of the UK may not agree, League of Angels III aficionados will know that Theresa is indeed a hero. Which is why the game is putting on a special event in her honour. Of course, we’re not…