The Wolf Among Us is a game developed and published by Telltale Games, best known for their The Walking Dead game and upcoming Tales From the Borderlands. Following in their episodic graphic adventure games, Wolf follows the same type of…
Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Z Review
Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Z is another game in the long franchise by Namco Bandai and one of the first to be developed by Artdink. Moving away from the simple boxed in environment, BOZ brings in a bigger sandbox…
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Review
Well this one came out of no-where. When the original version of this Assassin’s Creed 3 spin-off was released on the Playstation Vita, it was kind of expected that that’s where it would stay. However, as with many other games…
Doki Doki Universe Review
I like cute, quirky handdrawn visuals as much as the next underdeveloped manchild, but damn – there’s something almost aggressively boring about Doki Doki Universe. The premise is cute – you play as hapless robot QT3 trying to become more…
LEGO Marvel Superheroes Review
Here we are again. Another LEGO game, another big license, and another chance to potentially fall flat. Previously we’ve mainly seen films as the central focus, with recent titles moving to a slightly more serious, sandbox-styled experience. The last multi-platform…
Broken Sword 5: The Serpents Curse Review
University in the winter, a game to review… All the nostalgia from that well known logo and music. To work! Broken Sword 5: The Serpents Curse is the fifth instalment in the franchise by Revolution Software and marks a return…
Tearaway Review
Moving onto a new IP after overwhelming success with LittleBigPlanet, developers Media Molecule obviously had a huge task in front of them. A company known for their extraordinary imagination and creative ability, how on earth were they going to trump…
Ratchet And Clank Nexus Review
Check out the Video Review Here or just scroll to the bottom and click play Ratchet and Clank are back in an all new adventure. Ratchet and Clank Nexus marks a return to the original style of celebrated series by…
Proteus Review
It’s hard to describe Proteus merely through words. Being as unique as it is, one will only fully understand it through play and experiencing it for yourself. That said however, I will persist and try my best to shed some…
Valhalla knights 3 Review
The Valhalla knights series has been a bit of a stop and starter, and has definitely been annoying for those who were fans of the original from 2006, with its sequels being again on the PSP but then taking a…
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