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Assassin’s Creed Rogue Review

“Assassin’s Creed Rogue is as entertaining a game as any of its predecessors to play, and should not be overlooked!” Alongside the blockbuster release of the next gen exclusive Assassin’s Creed Unity by Ubisoft this week, homage has also been…

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – The Cynic’s Review

To word it honestly, I dislike the Call of Duty franchise. Every year it graces our shelves and invades are TVs hyping up to be the biggest and greatest game currently on this Earth, and every year it’s just a…

Just Dance 2015 Review

Before 2009, sleepovers, social gatherings and house parties were dark, dismal and bleak. Sure, when the drinks were flowing and the snacks were being passed round, we thought we were having fun, oh how we laughed and we appeared to…

Skylanders Trap Team Review

Every generation of childhood has had it’s own flavours of trendy fads and unfortunate cash cows for disapproving parents, who are bankrupting themselves to keep their children happy and up to date. Growing up in the 90s my parents had…

Forza Horizon 2 Review

As far as the racing game landscape stretches, there are thousands of titles spanning multiple consoles, each trying to convince its players that the game is the best of them all. Across the years there have been hardcore racing legacies…

The Evil Within Review

The Evil Within is scary. I never start a review with straight out statements like these, but this game deserves it. A lot of games are scary, but few are both scary and good. The Evil Within is one of…

Anna: Extended Edition Review

I spent many hours in school passing time in my IT classes and on lunch breaks by playing browser based point and click games in which you were trapped somewhere trying to escape. They were always fun to play but…

Falling Skies: The Game Review

When I first discovered that a Falling Skies game was coming out I couldn’t contain my excitement. I had picked up the series last year when I was between jobs and trying to find ways to usefully spend my time,…

F1 2014 Review

Codemasters have been making the official F1 games for some time now, it has become a successful franchise for them just like fellow sports games such as EA’s FIFA and Madden NFL in addition to 2K’s NBA games. The issue…

FIFA 15 Review

“…if you are a FIFA fan then the answer is yes; you probably should go and buy FIFA 15” The latest instalment of the phenomenally popular FIFA series has arrived from EA Sports, and football fans everywhere have rushed to…