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Ghost Recon Breakpoint Review

“Ghost Recon Breakpoint notably does its best to follow up Wildlands, but it falls just short of living up to its predecessor.” Ghost Recon evolved for the better with the release of Wildlands just a few years ago. Expanding the…

FIFA 20 Review

This time comes around every year, where football fans get hyped to the sight of FIFA 20 on the shelves. Though sadly for this reviewer it was just another football game, after last year’s addition to the franchise I wasn’t…

Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition Review

Arriving as a prequel to Rebellion’s 2012 release – Sniper Elite V2, the latest addition to this series is a major improvement over its predecessors, fixing a lot of the problems and delivering on a stealth experience that the series…

Blasphemous Review

The Game Kitchen and Team 17 have teamed up to release Blasphemous, a 2D “metroidvania” style game that’s dripping with a dark aesthetic and sinister undertones. In Blasphemous, players will take on the role of “The Penitent One” in his…

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair Review

Once again Team 17 has made the gamer in me happy, being a fan of Yooka-Laylee on the Switch a game that has seen its release on PS4, Xbox One and PC, a game that is, in its own right…

The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series Review

A good zombie apocalypse is brilliant and what a lot of people today love. There have been loads of different versions and stories over the years, but one has stood out throughout its whole life cycle as the top dog…

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered Review

This is going to be one tricky review to write, so I’m going to keep it short and sweet. Ni No Kuni is a JRPG masterpiece; a fact well documented by reviewers of the original PS3 release. Created as a…

Rebel Cops Review

Rebel Cops from Weappy Studio and THQ Nordic released on the 17th September 2019. Set in the same universe as This Is The Police. In Rebel Cops, players command a squad of rebellious outlawed cops in a crime ridden game…

River City Girls Review

Developers Wayforward has teamed up with Arc System Works to bring us another title in the River City Ransom franchise of games. Enter River City Girls. The game which is a continuation of River City Ransom focuses on Kyoko and…

Code Vein Review

Methodical outplays. An ever-challenging world. Head-splitting, rage-inducing boss encounters. It’s the very essence of what makes Dark Souls… actual freakin’ Dark Souls. It’s a game that delivers its gamers to their graves faster than a pizza guy can knock at…