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Rock Band 4 Review

In-between dreams of becoming an astronaut and the next James Bond, during my days of youth I also had a burning desire to be in a band. Whether I was listening to Good Charlotte, Busted, Steps, or other assorted guff…

Layers Of Fear Review

Walking Simulators. Interactive Dramas. In what seems to be an attempt to paint games as an art these styles of games have risen from the depths to show that gaming is about more than teabagging and camping; providing endless hours…

Dying Light: The Following Review

Dying Light: The Following is the first DLC story to be released, with improvements made to the base game on top of adding in another couple hours to your campaign playthrough. It had a price increase due to the size…

Agatha Christie’s The ABC Murders Review

As I’ve gotten older I’ve found that I’m getting worse at playing video games.  Not all of them mind, the games I’m referring to are these high octane, action packed, explosive first person shooters.  I just don’t have the patience…

The Flame in the Flood Review

The survival genre has become one of the most common genres among gaming. First or third person, horror or adventure, titles are spanning left right and centre, so it will be quite a challenge in developing a game which attracts…

This War of Mine: The Little Ones Review

“This is a game which provides both entertainment and meaningful issues for the player to consider, achieving this combination nicely.” When I first played This War of Mine at the time of its launch on PC, I very much enjoyed…

Lego Marvel Avengers Review

Lego games are nothing new at this point, almost everyone has played one and knows how they work, you get a large roster of characters, Lego bits to collect and build up through the level, usually focused around one particular…

King’s Quest – Chapter 2: Rubble Without A Cause Review

I’ve got to be honest, when I began the first chapter of the King’s Quest reboot last year, I really didn’t know what to expect. Having grown tired of the modern adventure games produced by the likes of Telltale Games,…

Assassin’s Creed Chronicles – Russia Review

I’ve always been a major fan of the Assassin’s Creed games ever since the day when I got my Xbox 360 and bashed out a long session of the original. Since that first game we’ve been sent jumping over the houses of Italy, sailing…

Action Henk Preview

Fortunately for me I have the pleasure of writing a review on Action Henk, a new indie title which is currently available on Steam but is soon to be multi-platform with it’s impending release to PS4, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox…