RLCS X Archives | Invision Game Community
The RLCS X Championships Begin Tomorrow

Beginning tomorrow, 16 of the best Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) X teams will face off in the RLCS X Championships The RLCS X Championships will feature four regional online tournaments in Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America where…

RLCS X Spring Split Reveal

The final leg of Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) X is on the horizon because the RLCS X Spring Split is coming up!

The RLCS X Winter Majors Begins February 5th

The Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) X Winter Split has seen the best Rocket League players from around the world compete at the highest level and the Winter Majors, beginning, February 5, is fast approaching. It only makes sense that…

RLCS X Winter Split Begins This Weekend

The next chapter of RLCS X continues with the Winter Split beginning this week! With the Winter Split comes some changes to the format. The 32-team Swiss format of the Fall Split has changed to a 24-team double-elimination format. This…