SOEDESCO is present at the Steam Game Festival – Autumn Edition. They’ve announced free to try demos of trucking experience Truck Driver and 90’s inspired platformer Kaze and the Wild Masks. From October 7 until October 13, players can try…
Monster Crown receives new content update
A new content update just released for Monster Crown. The dark monster taming game expanded its monstrous gameplay with a gene lab, embryos and a brand new monster; Apo. Monster Crown is currently in Early Access on Steam with a…
Adam’s Venture: Origins physical edition for Nintendo Switch out now
Adam’s Venture: Origins released physically on Nintendo Switch, after a digital version was released in May of this year. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, SOEDESCO had to postpone some of its physical releases. With the release of the physical edition…
Kaze and the Wild Masks comes to Google Stadia
90’s inspired platformer Kaze and the Wild Masks comes to Google Stadia as part of the first set of Google Stadia Makers titles. The game, which is also set to release on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam,…
Dog Duty Out Now on Consoles and PC
Real Time Tactics game Dog Duty released on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. The action-packed title is a six-year project developed by the two-person development studio Zanardi & Liza. This past year, co-developer SOEDESCO Studios, the publisher…
Monstrum hits the stores on October 23
SOEDESCO has announced that the physical edition of Monstrum on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One releases on October 23, 2020. The game, which saw its digital release on console on May 22 of this year, is a great…
Monster Crown gets first big content update
The dark monster taming game Monster Crown received a big content update today. The ‘very positive’ rated game released in Steam Early Access on July 31 and sailed past its one-month Kickstarter success within the first three days. Today Studio…
Monstrum hits the stores on September 25
SOEDESCO has announced that the physical edition of Monstrum on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One releases on September 25, 2020. The game, which saw its digital release on console on May 22 of this year, is a great…
Adam’s Venture: Origins get a Physical Release
SOEDESCO releases the physical edition of Adam’s Venture: Origins for Nintendo Switch on September 25, 2020. The family friendly adventure game is the first SOEDESCO IP that made its way to Nintendo Switch. Adam’s Venture: Origins previously released on PlayStation…
Fantasy Farming: Orange Season Update Out Now
Farm-life RPG Fantasy Farming: Orange Season received a big update that introduces a new fishing system, new villagers and a new type of farm animal: sheep! The friendly Orange Town also welcomes several other improvements, including new ways to manage…