Exciting news from Stunlock Studios and Konami, Prepare for an epic collaboration as their highly successful open-world fantasy survival game, V Rising, gears up for a thrilling Castlevania crossover titled Legacy of Castlevania.
V Rising – Legacy of Castlevania Teaser Trailer
Mark your calendars for May 8th, when V Rising will fully launch on Steam, accompanied by the Legacy of Castlevania crossover. Dive into the immersive world of V Rising and experience the iconic elements of the beloved Castlevania series seamlessly integrated into the game.
But the excitement doesn’t stop there! PlayStation 5 owners can look forward to joining the adventure later this year when the PS5 version of V Rising launches.
Don’t miss out on the chance to embark on an unforgettable journey filled with fantasy, survival, and the rich lore of Castlevania. Prepare to rise to new heights of adventure in V Rising with the Legacy of Castlevania crossover!
Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the launch date, and get ready to experience the ultimate fusion of two iconic gaming universes.
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