Hard Reset is Flying Wild Hogs newest PC exclusive game. Hard Reset is a Sci-fi first person shooter maintaining a striking resembles too many more old school shooters.Hard Reset is set in a cyber punk world plagued by a rampaging horde of machines, devoted to the murder and destruction of humans. You play as Fletcher a heavily modified human tasked with destroying the murderous hordes and the protection of the sector.Hard Resets core gameplay is first person shooter all the way, sporting health bars and med kits with explosive barrels lining every wall, this really add to the experience and felt very refreshing from the typical regretting health.
Hard Reset is mostly a liner corridor shooter, which proves to be the games strong point. The game throws hordes upon hordes of enemies at you, reminiscent of games such as Serious Sam. Fletcher is armed with two transforming weapons; the C.L.G and the N.R.G both are transform into multiple types of alternate guns. Each weapon features multiple optional upgrades as well as fletcher himself. This really added to the enjoyment of the game, forcing you to think about the weapon and upgrades you choose throughout, and really helped warrant play though personally. Using a grenade launcher’s gravity grenade to pull targets together, and then finishing then off with lighting proved more than just satisfying.
Hard Reset uses a graphic novel art style to explain the story after each level, while the story is not the main interests in the game, it still holds up nicely albeit there is not much depth. The games story can feel a bit vague and doesn’t feel it explained enough, so for anyone who finds story as their most important component may have problems with the game.
Hard Reset puts gallons of work into its graphics and art style. Much of the game is photorealistic utilising great high quality graphics, with that oiled look given by the Unreal Engine. The legion of robots also have had great detail taken in their design, from the small almost chicken like robots who waddle and skip to you, to the large behemoths coated in tough armour, who even in death attempt to drag themselves towards you. Many of the mechs had distinct personalities attached to them, causing me to really attempt to what I was faced with. Many of the environments In Hard Reset use holograms as a form of interface, really giving the feel of this cyber punk world. Some of the computer welcomes you on approach only to make snarky remakes as you left them.
Sound in Hard Reset could go the unsung hero, as it bolsters much of the combat with unique, techno music. I doubt anyone would listen to it on their music player, but it really gives an edge to combat and the world, and if it had a little bit more attention could easily give Hard Reset a horror vibe.
The environments are perfectly laid out in Hard Reset allowing you enough room to take out and handle mobs, while constantly rethinking on how to tackle certain opponents. Areas are littered with explosive and electrical devices, which when shot will aid you in defeating hordes of foes.
The game play is a great return to classic shooters, enemies’ lines corridors and you shoot them, what can be more fun? Well apart from that the game is aided by great inserting weapons all with alternate fire, and unrelenting machinery.
Great Graphics and sound work, with an interesting story which drops off towards the end.
Hard Reset lasted border line 5 hours, with both level select and mountains of hidden upgrades to search for. Only made better by the five difficulty modes. Played on normal most would find hard enough as it is.
Hard Reset is a great game at a budget price, well worth the purchase for any shooter fans and PC gaming enthusiasts.
Disclaimer:All scores given within our reviews are based on the artist’s personal opinion; this should in no way impede your decision to purchase the game.