The final chapter in the Harry Potter series has finally hit our consoles and does not disappoint. Released on 12th July by Electronic Arts, the game takes you through those last fights, challenges and emotions of the duel between the wizarding world and Lord Voldemort.
Playing as different characters throughout the game, you are to complete different missions to aid in the defeat of Lord Voldemort. Be it saving your fellow students or finding the horcruxes, it all aids in the progression to the final chapter in the story.
There are twelve chapters to play through, each with a different story and quests for you to complete. Different tasks include; keeping enemies at bay, protecting the castle, placing objects around an area and defeating enemies.
Spells are learnt along the way to aid you in said tasks, compared to part 1 of the game, the controls are completely different. Spells are a lot easier to use and understand, making the game that extra bit enjoyable to play. The controls are as follows;
- β’ A β Perform an action, run, seek and exit cover
- β’ B β Expulso β Rapid fire which hits the target multiple times
- β’ Double tap B β Impedimenta β Disables the target, can hit multiple targets
- β’ Y β Expelliarmus β Disarms the target, breaks protego
- β’ Double tap Y β Confringo β Causes an explosion, knocking back enemies
- β’ X β Stupefy β Stuns the target
- β’ Double tap X β Petrificus Totalus β Body bind spell
- β’ Right Button β Apparate β Moves Harry to another location
- β’ Right Trigger β Cast a spell
- β’ Left Trigger – Aim
- β’ Left Button β Protego β Protects the user
- β’ Back button β Point of interest β Shows you where you need to go
Each spell is useful for different situations and it is up to the player to decide what to use and when. The challenge of knowing when to use them is what keeps the fun alive, switching spells, defeating enemies in different ways and gaining achievements for it.
As well as defeating enemies and completing tasks, there are collectables for you to find along the way. Obtaining these collectables gains you access to challenges and music. Challenges are a replay of the story modes different “levels” in which you try to complete in the best time possible. Once completed your score is compared to other people that have also completed them worldwide and even against your x box friends too. When they say challenges, they are just that, things get a lot harder but this adds to the determination to complete them and get your name on that leader board.
>An added bonus to the game is that of being able to replay the levels, allowing you to go back and find those collectable items that you may have missed throughout the first run through. You can pick and choose which levels you wish to replay and are able to skip the cut scenes that you have already seen.
I really did like the graphics in the game; they had a very real feel to them. On occasion the look of some of the people was a little bit weird, but on the whole, it was very successful graphic wise.
I love the Harry Potter music anyway and being able to collect the music along the way and then listen to it was really good. The music fit the scenes perfectly and was easy on the ear as well as luring you into the game.
Having read the book I found the story line very different, but for me it did not matter, it was still a great game. It was a lot easier to play with these controls and a lot easier to progress through. It did have its challenging moments, but there was just so much to enjoy and so many different things to do. I cannot express how much I enjoyed it; I would have just loved that bit more to play.
Closing Comments
I really enjoyed this game, the first one I have really managed to get into in a while. I would recommend this game to anyone even if they are not the biggest Harry Potter fans, just for the game play itself. There wasn’t really anything I could fault, it was just something you could learn to play quickly but still have that challenge aspect.
Disclaimer:All scores given within our reviews are based on the artist’s personal opinion; this should in no way impede your decision to purchase the game.