It’s time to test your MOTHERGUNfriendSHIP! Grip Digital and Terrible Posture games are happy to announce that the first major update for their FPS bullet-hell MOTHERGUNSHIP has been released on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. After its successful release in July, MOTHERGUNSHIP now adds fresh content including the highly anticipated online co-op mode.
Players will now be able to fight the data-hoarding alien robots alongside their friend and bring down the Mothergunship together. But this is not all! The update includes…
- Co-op! Including the ability to play the campaign fully coop (except the intro mission) and even when you die you can become a backpack turret!
- Three new mobs from the bomb bot family to haunt your dreams, including the swarming baby bomb and mega bomb bot.
- New rooms! We lost count! At least like ten. Maybe more like 15!
- An increased inventory limit and re-balanced endgame so you can build even more monstrous creations.
- + a slew of bug fixes, balance adjustments, and little quality of life stuff!