Judgment, the next title from the acclaimed Ryu ga Gotoku Studio, releases in the West for the PlayStation 4 physically and digitally on June 25, 2019! Still haunted by the demons of his past, ex-defense-attorney-turned-private-detective Takayuki Yagami has taken on a gruesome serial murder case in Kamurocho. Search for clues, collect evidence, track down criminals, and bust some heads when Judgment launches on PS4 on June 25!
Pre-orders are available now on the PS4 PlayStation Store and at https://yakuza.sega.com/judgment/
Physical editions of Judgment include a reversible cover featuring the original Japanese cover art for the game, along with a Ryu ga Gotoku Studio sticker. Players who pre-order the digital edition of Judgment will receive a static theme featuring the game’s stalwart protagonist, Takayuki Yagami, as a bonus upon checkout. Additionally, all digital pre-orders will grant early access to the full game on June 21. Hit the streets of Kamurocho while the trail is hot and start gathering clues four days early!
Judgment features dual audio tracks in Japanese and English, as well as full English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish subtitles!
Judgment Features:
- From the Makers of the Acclaimed Yakuza Series: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios presents Judgment, the dramatic tale of a disgraced lawyer seeking redemption in a world rife with corruption and despair.
- Investigate the Seedy Red Light District of Kamurocho: Step into the mind of private detective Takayuki Yagami and utilize innovative investigation systems to uncover the secrets that lie deep within Kamurocho’s corrupt underbelly.
- Experience Visceral Combat with Two Unique Combat Styles: Take down groups of thugs with sweeping blows in Crane Style, then switch to Tiger to overwhelm a single foe with a series of powerful strikes. Practice mixing-and-matching styles in combat in conjunction with a wide variety of skills, weapons, and powerful (and hilarious) EX Actions to unlock a whole new dimension in combat.
- Dual Audio – The Choice is Yours: Players can switch between the Japanese and English VO tracks at any point during the game. Experience Judgment using whichever language you prefer!
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