The dramatic mystery series, executive produced by Jon M. Chu (Crazy Rich Asians, In The Heights) and inspired by the reporting of young investigative journalist Hilde Lysiak, follows a young girl (Brooklynn Prince) who moves from Brooklyn to the small lakeside town her father (Jim Sturgess) left behind. While there, her dogged pursuit of the truth leads her to unearth a cold case that everyone in town, including her own father, tried hard to bury.
The series is created and executive produced by showrunners Dana Fox and Dara Resnik; written and executive produced by Russel Friend & Garrett Lerner; and executive produced by Joy Gorman Wettels for Anonymous Content, Rosemary Rodriguez and Sharlene Martin.
Prince and Sturgess are joined by series stars Abby Miller, Kylie Rogers, Joelle Carter, Jibrail Nantambu, Deric McCabe, Michael Weston, Aziza Scott, and Louis Herthum.
All 10 episodes of season one are now available in the Apple TV+
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