Do you want to perform better on DOTA 2 and increase your rank? There are stages and strategies to grow your rank. You need to follow the tips in the body of this article.
1. Decide on your expected Matchmaking Rating ranking
One thing you must understand is that DOTA 2 is not an easy game to win. As much as every player would love to have an MMR as high as five thousand, it is not an easy achievement.
Before you set your heart on your expected rank, make sure it is achievable based on your lifestyle and daily activities.
Many professional Dota players focus only on the game without other activities. If you have a job, an upcoming examination, or a constantly busy schedule, aim for an achievable rank considering your activities.
Although your position at the start, which consists of your experience and the time you dedicate to playing, determines how well you rank, you can rank better through practice and dedication.
However, the truth remains that it will take you a long time to earn MMR in their hundreds or thousands.
2. Take note of your start of point and your expected Matchmaking Rating
The first step to improve your rank is to accept your MMR at the start; however poor it is and take note of it. Then, note your expected MMR in 3 months.
Whether you choose to reach 100, 500, or 1000 MMR, consider splitting the goal into little practicable steps. Many DOTA 2 players set unachievable goals and as a result, they are unable to increase in rank.
If your goal is 500 MMR, set it on five milestones of 100MMR each. This strategy will help you improve and achieve your expectations.
3. How to Prepare for the DOTA 2 Match
Ensure you have lots of time on your hands because the dynamism of the game can affect the length of time for each game.
Have a meal before starting; once you start, you cannot stop for a break longer than 10 seconds.
Don’t play with a high network as the quality of a player’s network is very important during a match.
Ensure you are mentally active and present-minded to improve your performance during the game.
4. Use an Matchmaking Rating boosterÂ
For a higher chance of winning a match, choose a reliable MMR dota 2 boosting service to help you achieve your desired ranking. This Matchmaking Rating service should boost both your current and desired rank.
Generally, the system algorithm gives every player a 50% chance of winning every match they play. With such a 50/50 chance, you can win several matches in a row, especially if you get professional to log in to your account and play games.
These trained professionals are called boosters, and they can either play a game from your account or play a game with you. These boosters are trained not to cheat, and they can achieve between 100MMR and 200 MMR every day.
Do I need to disable team guard?
In the first two weeks, the valve blocks all gift deals and markets to protect your account. You can choose to generate backup code, disable guard, or send an email code to booster when considering disabling team guard.
We recommend that you fully disable guard because your account is totally safe.
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