Swamp Motel is unleashing their online sleuthing alternate reality adventure series, the Isklander trilogy, to a global audience on July 1st.
Hack into emails, scrutinize social media posts, make phone calls, and inspect websites on your quest to unravel a conspiracy lurking just under our noses. The line between reality and fiction becomes increasingly blurred in this multimedia mystery. Part puzzle game, part interactive movie, and part scavenger hunt, this limited time series tasks teams of up to six to solve a cryptic mystery. Navigating a mix of live-action performances, newsreel footage, and fourth-wall breaking research, you must put on your sleuthing cap as your team investigates missing persons, murders, and clandestine conspiracies.
This experiential alternate reality adventure requires players book a time to undergo each chapter in this three-part adventure series. The puppet masters at Swamp Motel will oversee your team’s progress in real-time, ensuring that each episode is an organic, live event with a ticking clock.
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