Tales from the Borderlands is another game developed by Telltale Games in their line of Episode Point-and-click adventure games, following in the steps of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. With the companies rise to popularity of late they have taken upon themselves to create several different games within the same time span, with a Minecraft Telltale game being announced just recently people have seen a link to this and the quality of rushed products. Is Tales from the Borderlands affected by the increase in workload?
This is a review of Episode 2, for episode 1 go here
Starting off in the bunker we were cliff-hangered in last episode, the heroes Rhys and Fiona both tell their sides of the tale yet again, giving us some much needed information as they get split up, again. Fiona talks with the gang about the new artefact they have found and how the Gortys project might be the key to their money problems and is the next big hit. But first they need to get out of the bunker.
A retinal scan and catch-up with an old character later the group are out of the bunker and in their Van on the run yet again from Hyperion. Going through moonblasts, Rakks and more the party will travel over Pandora’s wastes, from the bunker to Hollow point then Old Haven, familiar sights indeed. Meeting even more old characters like Scooter, the gang finds out some more about their friends and their pasts as they try to find the Gortys project.
Playing through the second episode took around 2hours, the next time it was around 1.5 on my alternate run of the game and its choices.
The gameplay in this episode definitely felt sped up, due to having the “training wheels” taken off and giving us free roam of the controls. There were some more customisation options here and there, the biggest one being the look of the new Van, but nothing else really stood out. There is also some do-or-die choices that I didn’t really like the feel of, one having your head blown off for choosing wrongly.
The “They will remember that” on the top left got a bit haywire as well, going for a comedic feel at times but alluding to some of the choices not meaning anything in the long run. I would have preferred if they were all comedic or all serious as this can detach from the whole experience quite a bit.
Overall Thoughts and Feelings
Choices followed on a bit more in this episode, due to following straight after the last and many of those choices actually affecting character’s being alive and their attitude toward you. I couldn’t find anything wrong in this regard, however people’s personalities are growing and I like that, Rhys is growing a bit too slowly for my tastes.
Overall, Tales From The Borderlands Episode 2 gets a 3/5, if shines many parts of the first episode but has a lot more bugs inside of it. There are parts that I liked more, but others I did not so it’s hard to score it any different than the first episode. There is a heavier emphasis on comedy and the party growing to like each other more which gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, but is teared down again when you see their flaws.
Disclaimer:All scores given within our reviews are based on the artist’s personal opinion; this should in no way impede your decision to purchase the game.