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Alison & Co
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Hello, My name is Alison, I am the site manager of IGC and good friends of Craig (Finite), I actually live on the same street as him, that's how close we are. This account is being used to post news by myself, and a few members of our team. Personally, I am an avid fan of JRPG's and RPG's in general, I also love old school retro platformers like Mario, and finally, for some reason, I enjoy souls-like games. I run my own business along with 2 other sites, one for holidays and the other for music. This year I hope to grow my business more and maybe find my one true love. You can contact me at

FIFA 16 – Vanishing Spray Gameplay

The vanishing spray made popular during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil has finally made it to the video game franchise. Check out this gameplay clip of the magical spray in action.

Quick Look: Watch Dogs

Watch an extended play through of Ubisoft’s latest open-world adventure featuring the Giant Bomb crew.

Our Halloween

It’s October, the time for Halloween or should it be called ‘All Hallows Eve’ a time for tricks or treats, pumpkins and costumes, jack o lanterns and bonfires, horror films and haunting attractions, there are loads of fun things to…

First Look – Valhalla Hills Preview

I have played many games, but not that many when it comes to strategy, I do however have Settlers and Civilization and I rather like them both, they both kept me glued to the screen for some time, however, as…

Creative T15 Wireless (2.0) Bluetooth Speakers with BasXPort technology Review

Bang for your buck, something used a lot these days while we struggle to keep our lives running, while our money gets tighter and our bosses just get richer, so when it comes to buying speakers, or anything these days,…

William Shatner Presents Chaos On The Bridge Review

Quirky. Chaotic and fast paced! Chaos on the bridge tells the unique and interesting story about the making of Star Trek the Next Generation, and the transition of power between creator Gene Rodenberry and the studio executives. There is the…

Xenta Washable Keyboard Review

Now back to the review, Xenta tote the keyboard as waterproof, so that was something I had to check out straight away, there was no super storm around me and I don’t have kids to chuck or spill their food…

Steelseries Apex M800 Mechanical Keyboard Review

Steelseries already own one of the best Headsets in the world the Siberia V3, nothing has been able to beat it yet, can they take the market with keyboards? Or even mice? Well, they are going to do their best.…

FIFA 16 – Vanishing Spray Gameplay

The vanishing spray made popular during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil has finally made it to the video game franchise. Check out this gameplay clip of the magical spray in action.

Life is Strange: Episode Five Achievement guide

Here we are, friends. It’s time for the conclusion to Life is Strange‘s five-episode arc. I’m writing this prior to playing, and I have no idea what to expect. But, we’ll go out just like we started, and that’s by…