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Freelance Submission
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Our Freelance Artists are from all walks of life that create unique and engaging content as and when they can. They currently work with other sites, including some very close to home If you are interested in becoming a freelance writer for us please email the following address -

Best New Video Games For Students

When it comes to playing video games, college students all over the world form a certain cultural niche where they follow the rules and standards regarding what is considered popular. Entering the gaming community, one will encounter secret slang words…

The Top 4 Languages to Localize Your Steam Game Into

As a developer or publisher, winning the admiration of game players around the world is very important. Therefore, to do this and to make a significant amount of profit from your published game, you should not overlook the localization of…

Worlds popular Pros And Cons Of Caffeine For Students

When you study, you can easily become a heavy coffee drinker. One morning, you start with a cup of hot and fragrant coffee, and soon you can’t imagine your existence without this empowering beverage. Caffeine is a stimulant that improves…

Does Caffeine Improves Students’ Concentration?

Caffeine is a known stimulant that improves cognition, concentration, and the ability to memorize matter. Many students use caffeine in one form or another, and they experience significant improvements in their test scores. However, there are both upsides and downsides…

Best 10 Educational Mobile Games For Students

As about half of the British educators complain that college students spend too much time playing mobile games, the other competing camp states that there are educational games that help to improve cognitive functions. Even if video games help to…

5 Best Educational Games For Students

Of course, it is nice to gather in the company of friends. There are many games which can make such gatherings both fun and useful for you. Students can take advantage of such games, others enjoying their free time, and…

Found The Perfect Table For Gamers

Users are so enthralled by the world of games that they are ready to play their favourite game for hours, if not days. Furthermore, every year, one holds international championships with large prize pools, which cannot help but motivate gamers…

Grand Theft Auto 5 – Revisiting and Analysing a both Overlooked Yet Slightly Overrated Classic

Part 1 – The Legacy Of Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto, what springs to mind when you hear this unique term? People who are not that aware of video games as a medium might think of it as a fancy…

Everything You Should Know About Stellaris

Stellaris is a technologically advanced video game which is developed and published by Paradox Studios. It is a 4X GSG gameplay. The subgenre of board games and strategy-based computers is known as 4X in which the gamer has to build…

5 Ways to Make Money From Streaming Platforms

There are various ways a person can earn money through the best gaming streaming platform. For some of them, you may need to have a good amount of fan following as well. For instance, if you’re an expert at playing…