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Freelance Submission
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Our Freelance Artists are from all walks of life that create unique and engaging content as and when they can. They currently work with other sites, including some very close to home If you are interested in becoming a freelance writer for us please email the following address -

9 Games with Incredible Character Design

Video games and the characters that populate them make for enthralling stuff, period. When you think back to some hallmarks of your gaming experience, the first thing that comes to mind is often the characters you played as or fought…

5 Interesting Topics for Student Research on the Effect of Video Games

There have been conflicting debates about the effects video games can have on the lives of students. Some schools of thought argue that all video games negatively impact students’ academic performance. Other schools of thought argue that video games have…

Oculus Quest 2: Facebook’s $299 VR Headset Feels Too Good to Be True

For a considerable while, VR technology seemed fantastic and innovative, but it was out of reach for loads of gamers. The cost of the initial devices hitting the market was an entry barrier for many. Thankfully, we have finally reached…

Razer Hammerhead True Wireless Pro Review – The Perfect Choice For An Audiophile Gamer

While Razer is a name that has become synonymous in the gaming peripherals industry. Recently it has made its foray into general user merchandises. The competitively priced Razer Hammerhead True Wireless Pro is the latest product in their arsenal which…

Spotify analysis reveals the most popular video game soundtrack ever!

As technology continues to evolve, there is no question that video game soundtracks have dramatically improved since home consoles’ early origins. From the heroic chorus chants in Skyrim to the heart wrenching guitar solo between Joel and Ellie in The…

IOS 15 update: An expert guide to using the latest iPad Split View multitasking features

One of Apple’s newer features, Split View, is aimed at increasing productivity by allowing you to display two separate windows at once. The feature is available for iPadOS 11 (and newer) but will also run-on iPad Pro, 5th Generation iPad,…

Popular Content for Streaming Videos in 2021

Following advances in technology, video streaming is rapidly gaining legitimacy in various niches. Businesses are now tapping into streaming to build brands and grow their fan base. As people worldwide are finding it easier to access the internet, a preference…

Xbox Series S Review: The Console Making Next-Gen Gaming More Affordable

The world is seeing an influx of next-generation consoles from a wide range of companies. Consumers now have more choices than ever, and the range of console prices is highly varied. The new Xbox Series S is one of these…

Quick And Essential Guide To Having A Career In Professional Gaming

Do you find yourself sitting in front of a computer playing video games for hours on end? Do you feel the same way with consoles? Ever wanted to make money gaming? You might already have the gaming gear (i.e. console,…

8 Online Games That Are Next To Stress-Killers

No matter how old are you, life can be rude and frustrating to you at some point. There is always something in our life that is on our nerves and ruins our wonderful day. Playing games can be an adequate…