In the modern era of the gaming industry, originality is slowly being a breakthrough factor in the success of the game. This is the main reason why developers are exponentially increasing their “outside the box” thinking, and come up with…
ADR1FT Review
Gaming has evolved to embrace all kinds of environments; wastelands, fantasy landscapes or even fairy realms. As of lately, gaming is also spreading to the “final frontier.” Quite a number of games are being inspired by the world outside our…
7 Days to Die Review
The previous couple of years have been witnesses to a spike in popularity of zombies, especially in gaming. The survival genre has always been quite packed but as of lately, it is full to the brim with new titles and…
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Review
One of my favourite gaming genres has to be 2D sidescrolling games. I honestly don’t know what it is that pulls me to these games, but I have played more than I have remembered, and I have definitely enjoyed most…
Inside Review
Some 6 years ago, back in 2010, a small game called Limbo crept up on the Xbox 360 store. It began accumulating downloads and slowly it became a smash hit. It was a game developed independently from big AAA publishers,…
Mighty No.9 Review
Crowdfunding has become a beautiful reality in the video game industry. Kickstarter among other websites and services have served both developers and gaming fans alike to help their dream game become true, either from the development side, gathering money of…
Deadlight Directors Cut Review
In this generation of remastering and repolishing of games, a lot of titles are being redone to try and generate the success of the first release. Games like GTA V, The Last of Us and Darksiders II, among a lot…
Dungeons 2 (PS4) Review
Gaming in 2016 can be said to be split into two main sections: casual and non-casual. The casual scene, which dominates the landscape, is made up of jocks, who buy their copy of Call of Duty and FIFA each year…
The Technomancer Review
As more money is spent by console makers for research to make the best damn thing the current technology has to offer, developers and publishers on their hand are spending more money in advertising and showing off their products, or…
Megatagmension Blanc + Neptune vs Zombies Review
There is not much to say about video games and movies together, except that the former have been inspired a lot by the latter, and lately the same can be said in the opposite direction as well, with the Hitman…
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