Avengers Assemble is the new, long-awaited release by Marvel Studios. The film was directed by science-fiction master Joss Whedon, famous for bringing Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to the world, as well as many other famous names. Avengers Assemble brings together the heroes of previous Marvel productions which have been building up to it; including Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Captain America (Chris Evans), as well as some new faces such as the angry side of Bruce Banner; the Hulk (Mark Ruffallo). Also joining the team are Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner). Gathered together by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), director of the S.H.I.E.L.D group, when the world is threatened by the Asgardian God Loki (Tom Hiddleston), the group of mismatched heroes are forced to, reluctantly, set aside their differences and protect the planet from the villain and his new-found army.
The visual effects used in Avengers Assemble are incredible. Anyone who pays that little bit extra to see the film in IMAX at its best will certainly not be disappointed. Whether it is a high-speed, super-active battle scene or a simple but effective plot building one, the effects are no less than stunning and are among the best in cinema today. In particular, the battle scenes between the super-powered heroes are particularly spectacular. The stunts are excellently performed and the special additions made for the extra spark are effective and dynamic. The transformations from Bruce Banner into the Hulk are also well constructed, taking place smoothly and intricately, giving to viewers a chance to truly witness man become beast.
The sounds used in the film are as good as the visuals, and that is very good indeed. Depending on the sound quality in your cinema, you will find at times that your body will react to the sounds as they happen. From propellers, to hammers, to arc-reactor powered weaponry, to the growl of the Hulk, everything has been created and considered down to a tee by the production team. Their time it would seem has not been wasted, as little fault can be picked in what has been done. The actors voices have also been clearly recorded and there is little if any difficulty in understanding what any of them is saying. A quick snippet for anyone who is interested by the little facts by the way, look out for Lou Ferrigno, the original TV Hulk, voicing his big green beast!
The high standard of actors employed in the film live up to their names and the personalities of those seen in the film’s predecessors have clearly flown through. The actors maintain well the individual characteristics, morals and beliefs of their character while interacting with each other, which adds perfectly to the disjointed nature when the “team” first assembles. The villain of the show, Loki, has also been significantly well acted, keeping the personality that some may describe as crazy and psychotic in nature. Samuel L. Jackson’s Character, Fury, is interesting indeed, with parts of the film seeming almost as if the character is acting out the man rather than the other way around. Fortunately, and very pleasingly, this has worked very well.
The storyline itself is action from the very start, and almost non-stop throughout. From large scale, city destroying bouts of destiny, to small disagreements between the disjointed family put together by Fury, the film will captivate you in its audience with both tense and intense moments. The direction by Whedon will certainly not disappoint any member of the audience who has been awaiting a full on action movie. There are also, of course, the small easter eggs and little treats hidden around the film for anyone who has the keen eye to spot them to enjoy.
For those of you wondering what was bad about the film then the best answer may be the fact that it had to end. There will however be a sequel, and we can only hope that it will be as thrilling, intense and exciting as Avengers Assemble has been. A genuine must-see film for anyone, be they a comic book fan, action movie buff or just looking for an exciting film which will impress all of their family. This is a film that will do well in the box office and deservedly so. Personally, I can’t wait for the Avengers to assemble again!