Here’s a recap of everything showed off by Bethesda Softworks during Xbox Games Showcase Extended! Check out for detailed recaps of all our featured announcements.
Hi-Fi RUSH | Arcade Challenge! Update! Official Announcement
Tango Gameworks revealed their hit game Hi-Fi RUSH will be getting new content next month in the Arcade Challenge! Update! This update will include a variety of new content, including two new game modes: BMP RUSH! and Power Up! Tower Up!, featuring new music as well as a grab bag of new player customizations and Special Attacks. The Arcade Challenge! Update! will be available on July 5 for free for all players who already own the game. Hi-Fi RUSH is available now on Xbox Series X|S and PC.
Fallout 76 | Once in a Blue Moon Trailer
Gather ‘round the campfire and watch Bethesda Games Studio’s newest trailer for the upcoming Fallout 76 update, Once in a Blue Moon, launching on June 20 across all platforms. Brave two new Public Events, Safe and Sound and Beasts of Burden, uncover the Blue Devil and the Ogua, two new cryptids spotted in Appalachia and much more in this free update for all Fallout 76 players.
The Elder Scrolls Online | Why Now is a Perfect Time for New Players to Check Out Necrom
The Elder Scrolls Online Creative Director Rich Lambert and Art Director CJ Grebb break down footage of the latest Necrom Chapter and discuss all the reasons why ESO and the latest Chapter is worth jumping into today for new and returning players. The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom is now available on PC/Mac and will launch on consoles 20th June, 2023.
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