In celebration Black Desert Online year anniversary Pearl Abyss and Kakao Games brings back Rabam’s Enlightenment – Skill Enhancement, which allows you to combine two different pre-awakening skills to create a more powerful skills.
All 15 Classes will gain access to this skills from level 56 and up via the skills page, providing you have sufficient skill points to attribute to Rabam’s Enlightenment.
Rabam’s Enlightenment has a second phase that launches next week when new skills become available. These skills have a level 57 requirement allowing for more customisation.
There is even more news this well as the all new Team Battle feature launches. Two Teams, 10 Players, battle it out for bragging right (The total AP + DP of each participant will decide their teams, with the 2 players of the highest total, 2nd highest, 3rd, 4th, and 5th being split into each team automatically) The player with the highest stats will be the team leader.
Team battle consists of 1 vs 1 matches where the team leader chooses who battles who battles who.The combat takes place in a small ring made up from NPC soldiers. Moving outside this ring will risk disqualification and forfeiting the match. In case of a draw, a player’s remaining HP bar will determine the winner. After the second round, if the score is tied, there will be a third decisive deathmatch round in which all 10 players participate.
For more information on this week’s updates, including the new Team Battle as well as the reworked Final Battle system, new events and all the latest news, head on over to the revamped website. If you are a new players you can sign up for the a 7-day trial.
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