Have you ever wanted to fight terrorism, fight the devil, liberate levels with the power of freedom and whilst doing all this play as the action films as you bring America’s justice to the hearts of evil doers? After playing Bro force I feel like pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes that’s how patriotic this game is, and is definitely one everyone should be looking out for.
Yeah this literal representation of how an 80’s action film would look like in a 2D game has recently hit steam green light and is possibly the most fun I’ve had with a game in local co-op for a while, outside of playing Mario kart. This is a 2D side stroller I guess like those of past? I mean if you’ve played mercenary kings, it’s similar to that, or metal slug, or any side scroller except you can pretty much nuke the level if you want, and I have multiple times done it to the extent where I can no longer progress, whoops.
If you’re looking for a story, or enjoy the story in games you’re not going to find much here in that department, though this is a good thing really I doubt I could have enjoyed this game half as much as I did if I had to stop for cut scenes constantly. Of course you do get to see yourself fly into the level and out on a chopper, and usually joined by a guitar rift as you “Liberate” a level.
So, right now there are three zones, jungle, city…and jungle city, no one said this was going to be diverse damn it, they all look a little different with different designs, city levels have you going deeper into some buildings or climbing to go higher into some. The levels look different but with the amount of explosions going on I never really found myself noticing too much apart from when I first entered a level.
Graphically the game is as simple as its gameplay, 2D sprites representation of characters explosions and levels. Not that this is a bad thing though, I doubt there is any computer that could manage to run this game if it looked like say trine 2 with the shear amount of explosions per second this game has, hell this is a game that makes me use explosions per second as a way to measure this game, and it would be around 50EPS if you’re playing 4 way coop.
Now when playing on your own, there are plenty of explosions, but I brought out 3 wired controllers and hooked them up and decided let’s try 4 player co-op. Well I still don’t really know how we beat half the levels, we died far too many times and the levels where we had to climb became…difficult to say the least, do not drink on these levels because you blame that one person who can call in air strikes. But without a doubt this is some of the biggest fun I’ve had 4 player co-op in a long time, hell outside of Mario kart, I can’t think of a non-racing game I’ve enjoyed since smash TV? Turtles in Time? This could be one of the best 4 player shooter in a long ass time.
Now onto the playable characters or “Bro’s” all with ‘fantastic’ bro jokes in their names, we have Brobrocop (Robocop), Indiana Brones (Indiana Jones), Brabo (Rambo) and possibly my favourite accident and also character to play Braid (Blade). There are many other’s but you can’t choose who you get to play as, you are randomly selected a bro at the start of a level, then throughout you can find prisoners in cages, rescue them to swap out to a random character and free enough to unlock new bros.
After you have finished the campaign, which is a little short at the moment only taking me just over an hour to complete you have access to many different modes, including death match, race mode, explosion race and most importantly a level editor. The death match and race mode should be self-explanatory, death match you and your bros fight each other to show who’s the manliest? Race mode you race to the end of the level, explosion race, well you race to the end with even more explosions than usual, seriously if that’s even possible. The level editor is something that I personally wouldn’t use, but the option that there are people out there can make even better levels excites me, it’s simple enough to use, you drag blocks down, it’s very reminiscent of little big planets editor in ease of use.
Broforce is one of those games that I expected to be a bunch of terrible jokes, and instead sat there for well over 5 hours playing it, then taking my laptop downstairs and playing it even more with friends, because this is a game that scales when your drunk. So some of the best co-op action I’ve had in a long time, and I am looking forward to updates, guys seriously, Hulk Brogan, how is he not in the game?
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