Today’s gamer is not the stereotypical loner playing in his parents’ basement. She’s a coworker with two kids, the guy next to you at the gym, a fellow volunteer. Take a look at today’s dynamic and growing global gaming community Alienware and Dell are so proud to be a part of.
For example: once the dominion of young men, gaming has become a welcoming community, accepting of whoever is behind the computer. When matching with rival gamers, culture/ethnicity (8%), political views (7%), and sexual orientation (6%) are mostly inconsequential to players. What matters most is the other gamer’s skill level (40%).
Only 14% of gamers said they care about the gender of the rivals they are matched with online, which could explain the sharp increase in female gamers in recent year. One in two players (47%) has a female friend who plays videogames. Almost a third (29%) have a sister who plays, and 21% said their daughter does.
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