PQube and developer Super Icon have announced the winners of the PlataGO! Super Platform Game Maker Switch contest! Fans were able to enter the competition with their Steam Early Access creations for a chance to be included in the Nintendo Switch version of PlataGO!, releasing later this Spring.
Here are the winners and sneak peek GIFs of their creations:
Mr. Run and Jump – Multiple creations
Mr Run and Jump has been a content creator for PlataGO! since the very beginning and entered the competition with multiple creations and levels, which are all great in different ways. Creative layout of the gauntlets, intelligent use of the game’s features and adjustable difficulty with the right amount of checkpoints make his entry an easy pick for the Nintendo Switch version!
Backside Games – Cavern of Ruiloba
Cavern of Ruiloba is very challenging but all the more satisfying when you start to learn the different tricks to every part of the big level. Navigate through it without missing any of the gems and remember that you have a wall jump – there might be secrets where you don’t expect them to be!
iaquer – The Kingdom of Platagonia
“The hero Mattia must cross the lands of Platagonia to save the princess Gioia and restore peace to the kingdom.” A classic hero story brought to life in PlataGO!, The Kingdom of Platagonia sends you on an adventure through multiple environments, makes intelligent use of different game mechanics and has a nice flow to it!
sirdrak – Go up!
The name says it all – Go up! is a simple but lovely level featuring satisfactory jumps, a fitting theme and includes multiple mechanics to keep players busy on the way to the top! Well done!
KLGB76 – Robots in the Forest
Cool hidden passages and smart usage of dropping blocks to guide players over spikes are only some of the highlighs of this forest! A realistic amount of gems to collect together with the appealing layout make Robots in the Forest a really enjoyable level!
Congratulations to the winners and thank you very much for your participation! All levels featured and entered into the contest can be found in the comments of this Steam thread.
A lot more levels are available on the official community Workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/app/732400/workshop/
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