E-Home Entertainment has announced that their futuristic third person shooter (TPS), Gene Rain, is now available on Xbox One for €24.99/$24.99 in Germany and the USA. Coming to the rest of Europe and Russia on July 31st, Gene Rain offers intense TPS action set in a post-apocalyptic world, where humans and technology are in the throes of a merciless war over the future of humankind, each side defending their own ideas and values.
“Today the dystopian Gene Rain world opens up for Xbox One players, and we’re looking forward to recruiting more rebels in Europe at the end of the month,” says Kavka Wang, the Marketing Director at E-Home Entertainment Development. “Featuring incredible next-gen graphics and extreme TPS combat, Gene Rain expands the plot through new human narrative structures and delves deep into moral convictions as in how far you will go to achieve your goal.”