Based on the television show broadcasted on BBC one, Hole in the wall for Kinect is a fun and exciting game for families and friends of all ages to play together. Carefully placing your body into different posistions shown to on screen, you are to try and progress through different levels and get as high a score as you can.
There are two modes available to play, show and quick survival. In quick survival mode, a continuous flow of walls travels towards you with different positions for you to mimic, these keep flowing until you are unable to fill the gauge causing you to fall in the water. To pass the walls you need to hold a position correctly till the gauge is full (this is shown by your body turning amber or green). If your body turns green the gauge will fill faster than if your body was amber. In this mode the aim is to get as many points and last as long as you can.
The show mode gets you to participate in different themed “shows”, each with 3 levels and then a final level per show. The aim is to pass through each level with as high a score that you can achieve. Each “show” has a different theme and gives you three lives before you are knocked into the water.
In the final round (bonus round) the style of the game changes, the walls may speed up or you may not be able to see the walls as they come towards you. Depending on whether you are playing single or multiplayer the final round may be different, for example in multiplayer on person has there back to the screen whilst the other tells them the shape they need to make.
The game can accomodate up to four players, with two on each team (red and blue). With the chance to go up against your friends/family the excitement increases and makes the game more enjoyable. This game needs a large area for you to play in, so for all those that are limited with their space this is probably not the easiest game for you to accomodate, though it is good for people of all ages.
The graphics are pretty limited in this game with small cartoonistic line drawings on the walls. The best elememt graphicly was the personal xbox avatars being changed into the full body suits, this added a small comical value to the game. Other than this, there wasn’t much that was visually appealling.
For me the game started off really well, but after a while thewalls were repetetive and the excitement slowly dissapeared. With my lack of room to play the game, it made it that little bit harder to enjoy. Some levels in the game were hard to grasp, especially when playing as a pair, being told the position to stand but constantly failing the walls because it still took the other player into account.Yet this game could be great at a party playing with friends and having a laugh, given that there was the space to play.
The sounds as with the graphics were pretty basic, but then that helps to open up the imagination and make your own fun and laughs out of the game.
Closing comments
This game was enjoyable, but you needed the other players there to make it more interesting. It’s not a bad game but with limited space I found it hard to make the most of the game. I would reccomend this game to people with the availability of said space and people to play with. I did enjoy the game but would have liked a few more challenging walls.
Disclaimer:All scores given within our reviews are based on the artist’s personal opinion; this should in no way impede your decision to purchase the game.