Exciting news as HTC Vive launches AWAKE: Episode One, an ambitious real-time cinematic experience that fuses room-scale freedom and light interaction with immersive storytelling.
AWAKE was an official selection at SXSW, Cannes, New York Film Festival and Raindance, and the experience involves a character Harry, who is obsessed with discovering the truth behind the recurring dream of a strange pattern that contains a cryptic message.
The experience also features a never-before-seen level of heightened immersion when users encounter the real-life holographic performances of a human character in VR.
Steam Store: https://store.steampowered.com/app/845900/Awake_Episode_One/
Viveport Store: https://www.viveport.com/apps/87247573-c18e-4b31-ac00-e5b56b86579b