In partnership with KonoSuba publisher Kadokawa, and developed by Sumzap, KonoSuba: Fantastic Days follows the original storyline from the popular anime series “KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!” Featuring original characters, including Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, Darkness, all-new exclusive characters along with new storylines will also be created uniquely for the game.
Nexon revealed KonoSuba: Fantastic Days videos with the main voice actors Jun Fukushima, who stars as Kazuma, and Sora Amamiya, starring as Aqua, as they shared their thoughts on the forthcoming global release of KonoSuba: Fantastic Days.
“I’m so happy that everyone can now play KonoSuba: Fantastic Days!” exclaimed Sora Amamiya. “The content in the game is very fulfilling and the characters are super cute. I hope you’re excited!”
Jun Fukushima, the voice actor for the main character Kazuma, said in the interview: “I knew that the anime is popular with so many watching from around the world, but since the game is releasing now globally too, I’m so happy that the KonoSuba community can continue to expand.”
Sora Amamiya, the voice actress for the divine god Aqua, says in the video that she didn’t think that overseas players would get the chance to play so soon. She says: “Just like with the anime, the other cast members and I combined all our spirits into something we’re sure you’ll all enjoy!”
The global release of mobile RPG KonoSuba: Fantastic Days will arrive in 2021 from leading game publisher Nexon.
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