Of course there is always going to be the “he said, she said” rumours that go around the internet about console wars and who has the best games and who is going to come out with the next best thing. What if the next best thing was literally about a year away?
Flipping out yet? I am positive that you want something new and exciting. You probably want that new and exciting thing right now. What if that ‘thing’ was Playstation 5 and it was going to be announced much sooner than later? It may be way more possible than we first thought. Let’s crunch some numbers first.
Original Playstation was released in 1994. Playstation 2 was released in the year 2000 making a 6-year gap. Playstation 3 was released in 2006 making a 6-year gap. Playstation 4 was released in 2013 making a 7-year gap between consoles. Is it feasible to say that Playstation 5 could be released after another 7-year gap? We cannot rule this out. 2020 is not that far away.
Sure Playstation and Xbox have both released updated consoles in Playstation 4 Pro and Xbox One X, respectively. In our minds we would think that because of this they are going to push the announcements of new consoles farther back but this cannot be farther from the truth. Creating iterations of new consoles was something that needed to be done a long time ago. PC has been getting consumers to upgrade for decades. Games need more powerful systems every year. In order to keep up to the demand that PC seems to be running away with, the console giants need to ensure they can have most games on their systems as well.
With Xbox One running away with the backwards compatibility race, Nintendo Switch dominating the handheld market and Sony trying to push their VR headset as much as possible, it seems time for a brand new, completely overhauled unit to be announced. Sony needs to outdo the performance of the Xbox One X. They also need to find a way to answer Nintendo when it comes to handheld devices. Why not make a HUGE announcement this year (probably not because of the big line-up of Playstation 4 titles coming soon) or even next year (E3 2019, which is more plausible) in regards to Playstation 5 and get everyone back on the hype train? It makes total sense that 2020 is the release year for something like this.
With whispers of Sony working silently on an element of backwards compatibility that will most likely be introduced to a next-gen console, alongside the perfect timeline for a new giant to the console wars, now is the time. I would love to say you heard it here first but I definitely think a lot of people will and should be talking about this more. I have this feeling. Will we see Death Stranding on Playstation 5? What do you think?