Rogue Spirit, an anime-inspired 3D rogue-lite action game published by 505 Games and developed by Kids With Sticks, a small team of gamedev veterans with experience on The Witcher 2, Dying Light, and Hellraid: The Escape, debuts on Steam Early Access today.
Early Access debuts the first six procedurally generated levels within five different biomes, all rendered in gorgeous 3D art inspired by Studio Ghibli films like Princess Mononoke and Nausicaä. Explore forests, marshes, villages, and more. Discover secrets and challenge bosses designed to test the Prince’s body-swapping skills. Unlock permanent upgrades between runs and upgrade dozens of skills and essences that make each run a whole different experience.
Rogue Spirit is available now on Steam Early Access for £15.99 with an additional 10 percent off discount for a limited time, and will launch fully in 2022.
For more information and regular updates on Rogue Spirit, please visit the games’ official site
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