The story centres on Freddy Lupin, heir to the leadership of a proud family line of werewolves. Positive he’ll become the most fearsome werewolf ever, Freddy is in for a shock when on his 14th birthday his first “warfing” goes…
100% WOLF available on digital November 23
Vertigo Releasing has announced the Home Entertainment release of 100% WOLF, available on digital November 23 and on DVD from November 30. The story centres on Freddy Lupin, heir to the leadership of a proud family line of werewolves. Positive…
100% WOLF UK Release 31st July
Vertigo Releasing has announced that 100% WOLF, released in UK and Irish cinemas from 31st July 2020. The story centres on Freddy Lupin, heir to the leadership of a proud family line of werewolves. Positive he’ll become the most fearsome…