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The Nitty Gritty of Bitcoin Trading

Bitcoin is a digital currency, that is used, traded, and distributed electronically, without the involvement of any moderator. Bitcoin is a well-spread peer-to-peer web. No single institution or person regulates it. Bitcoins can’t be published, and their amount is very…

The Real Mantra of Bitcoin Trading

A cryptocurrency is a platform of exchange, just like the currencies of the countries as US dollars, Pounds, and Euros. But the striking difference is that cryptocurrency is digital in form and uses encryption procedures to regulate the conception of…

Trade bitcoin and cryptocurrency CFDs

Almost everyone has heard of bitcoin. Some have described it as a fleeting fad that may eventually fade away with its counterparts in history. Despite this, since it was developed for trading in various global financial markets, its popularity has…

Bitcoin CFDs trading steps

Bitcoin is the foremost virtual cryptocurrency in the world and its growing popularity around the world. Through the MetaTrader 4 platform, you can trade this currency with the speed of growth against the US dollar around the clock. Many traders…

Bitcoin trading explanation for the beginner

Bitcoin trading, a cryptocurrency that began to emerge in 2009 from an unidentified person named Satoshi Nakamoto. To become the world revolution in the economic field, as it is a cryptocurrency subject to the blockchain protocol It can be traded…

Bitcoin Forex Trading Experience, the price of the currency, goes up by $ 3,000 a day

For the first time since its appearance, the Bitcoin virtual currency has become one of the coins traded on the Chicago Stock Exchange, after its price exceeded the value of $ 15 thousand and 460. And Bitcoin for those who…

Hidden Colonization by Bitcoin

Entrepreneurs using Bitcoin aspire to rebuild Puerto Rico by relying on an economy fueled by a cryptocurrency. But will that work for the island hit by the devastating Hurricane Maria last year? Many entrepreneurs interested in using cryptocurrency have recently…

Bitcoin Halving, Investment Opportunities and Economic Ecosystem: Here Is What You Need to Know

Introduction In the run up to Bitcoin’s legendary halving, the valuation of the cryptocurrency is experiencing one of its strongest Bull runs. Bitcoin has rallied hard to climb over the $9K level and is expected to keep on climbing right…

The Social, Political and Economic Impact of Bitcoin On The World

Ever since Bitcoin first emerged into the global scene, it has been a hot topic of contestation. Here was an alternative financial model, which sought to disrupt centuries old models of currency and economics. However, the interesting thing to note…

Bitcoin – A Digital Money with Benefits

Without a doubt and in a more than obvious way, everyone here knows, to a greater or lesser extent, the history, benefits and scope of Blockchain technology. The most surprising thing about the economic aspects of bitcoin is the certainty…