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Desperados III (PC) Review

The Wild, Wild West German developer Mimimi Games came to my attention via a Steam sale about four years ago when I stumbled across Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. It was my reintroduction to the Real Time Tactics genre…

Check Out This Special Desperados III Miniature Trailer

Actions speak more than words, so here is our trailer of real-life miniature action, staged in miniature landscapes, all 3d-printed and handcrafted, and shot on a single desk, which will morph into in-game gameplay. In other words: Watch real-life and…

Interactive Trailer for Desperados III Released

Desperados III is all about choices – not how about the story will unfold, but how you can master a certain scenario. See three guards securing a location you really want to enter? You can try to distract them and…

Meet Kate O’Hara in new Desperados III trailer

She’s got the look and she’s absolutely hitting like a hammer: Kate O’Hara grew up as a Colorado farm girl, dreaming of fame and glamour on the stage in the big city. But she had to learn to get along…

Desperados III New Trailer

Desperados III is a real-time tactical stealth game!” – Yeah. And what exactly does that mean? Well, we’re going to show you! When Desperados III releases on June 16th for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, players can experience the…

Hector Mendoza stars in new Desperados III trailer

Is it a man or is it a bear? Hector Mendoza’s sheer force makes him a fearsome opponent for all the gangsters in Desperados III. He wears a cruel axe to … well, better see it for yourself. Also, he…

Desperados III Release Date Revealed

He’s almost quicker to the draw than his own shadow, and his bullets always hit their mark. When the smoke from his revolvers slowly fades away, you can read it clearly: JUNE. 16. 2020. Yeeehaw, folks! Desperados III finally has…

Desperados III Collector’s Edition Revealed

This is the sound of the CE: Check out the new Desperados III Collector’s Edition trailer and listen to the music box unfolding its magnificent magic. The Collector’s Edition comes with 5 figurines of the five fabulous Desperados, John Cooper,…

THQ Nordic Pax East Games Revealed

THQ Nordic is shipping up for Boston and has four games on board. Visit us at PAX East from February 27th until March 1st, Booth Number #16233 and play our games there: SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated…

Desperados III unveils new character McCoy

Need a gun for hire? Ask for Doc McCoy, a ruthless sharpshooter and veteran field medic, he’ll get the job done. With his custom made Colt Buntline Special, he can shoot the wings off a fly – or an opponent…