GungHo Online Entertainment has released a brand-new episode of the ongoing cartoon anime series based on their hit game, Ninjala. Episode 4, “The Shinobi Village,” follows the story of Kappei and the events that lead him on a journey from…
Volta-X to get PC-Switch crossplay
GungHo Online Entertainment America (GOEA) has announced that Volta-X, their upcoming real-time robot strategy battler, will support crossplay between Nintendo Switch and PC. Players on both platforms will be able to team up and form clans or battle each other…
GungHo Winter Steam Sale Deals!
In the spirit of giving and cheers, GungHo Online Entertainment (GOEA) is bringing savings to its players starting today until Jan. 3 with sales on two fan-favorite titles, Grandia II Anniversary Edition and Dokuro through the Winter Steam Sale. Grandia…