HTC Vive Archives | Page 5 of 8 | Invision Game Community
Viveport Infinity blasts off with access to 600+ VR apps and games!

VIVEPORT brings the first unlimited gaming subscription to VR with today’s launch of Viveport Infinity! Over 600 apps and games are ready to be explored through Infinity, allowing you to experience the best that VR has to offer. From current…

HTC Vive collaborates with Qualcomm Technologies for Snapdragon Standalone XR HMDs and 5G Smartphones

HTC VIVE has announced they are working with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., to pre-integrate and optimize VIVE WAVE for Qualcomm Technologies’ XR Standalone and 5G Smartphone reference designs, allowing OEMs that use select Qualcomm Snapdragon Mobile Platforms to rapidly bring Vive…

VIVE Focus Plus pricing and availability revealed

HTC VIVE has unveiled VIVE Focus Plus pricing, availability, details about enhanced lenses, and the multi-mode capability to access content from external devices at their annual VIVE Ecosystem Conference (VEC2019) in Shenzhen. Designed to meet the demanding needs of commercial…

HTC Vive Pro Eye Announced as Preferred VR Headset for NVIDIA VRS

HTC VIVE has announced that the upcoming VIVE Pro Eye has been recognized as the preferred VR headset (HMD) for NVIDIA’s Variable Rate Shading (VRS) technology. Announced in January 2019, the Vive Pro Eye was created to meet the demands…

Viveport Infinity to offer unlimited gaming for £12.99 a month

VIVEPORT has announced that Viveport Infinity, the first unlimited VR subscription service, launching on April 2nd, will be available for £12.99 a month or £99 a year. In the largest upgrade to the platform yet, Viveport Infinity members will gain…

VIVE X company, Mindesk, secures $900k to bring CAD designers into Virtual Reality

Following the graduation from VIVE X, HTC VIVE’s global VR/AR accelerator, Mindesk has moved its HQ to San Francisco and will continue to develop VR software in Italy and the US. The company secured $900k seed round from HTC VIVE,…

HTC Vive releases new enterprise headset – Vive Focus Plus
HTC VIVE has revealed the newest premium virtual reality standalone hardware for enterprise customers, VIVE Focus Plus. Vive upgraded the existing six degrees of freedom (6DoF) Focus headset to incorporate dual 6DoF controllers, giving users the ability to seamlessly interact…
Dick Wilde 2 – Available Now for PlayStation VR and HTC Vive

Dick Wilde 2 is available now for PlayStation VR and HTC Vive for £15.99/$19.99, with Steam and Oculus Rift versions arriving later this week. Players can team up with a friend, head out to the on the river and take…

Singularity 5 available for Vive, WMR and Oculus Rift

Singularity 5 moves the ‘VR’ experience up a big notch with this epic and ambitious 5 level arcade focused shooter, set in Paris in 2050! Developed by Monochrome, a French indie developer, this self funded and in house inspired title…

HTC VIVE to bring Dedicated Virtual Reality Web Browser

HTC VIVE has announced a first of its kind collaboration with Mozilla’s Firefox, AWS’s Amazon Sumerian, and Fidelity Investments that will enable consumers to bring VR into their everyday life by providing an immersive web browsing experience in VR. Firefox…