Iceberg Interactive Archives | Page 4 of 7 | Invision Game Community
Railroad Corporation: Civil War DLC Launches June 4th

Indie publisher Iceberg Interactive and developer Corbie Games have announced a June 4th release date for the next Railroad Corporation DLC – Civil War. Railroad Corporation: Civil War introduces a brand new campaign of five missions that take place during the American Civil War in the…

Futuristic Racer Antigraviator Out Now on Xbox One

High-speed racer Antigraviator will blast onto the Xbox One  for $19.99! Developed by Cybernetic Walrus and published by Iceberg Interactive, this console release includes all content from the Viper Trails DLC, making this the complete Antigraviator experience!

Pax Nova Out Now

Developer GreyWolf Entertainment and publisher Iceberg Interactive have released 4X strategy game Pax Nova on Steam for $24.99, plus a launch week discount of 15%! After a year in Steam’s Early Access Program, the full release brings the complete main questline, new technologies…

Multiplayer Fantasy RTS Circle Empires Rivals Out Now

Fast-paced RTS sequel Circle Empires Rivals is available on Steam for $14.99 – with a special 10% launch week discount and an additional 15% off for owners of the original title. The follow-up to what Kotaku described as “one of…

Radical Relocation Moves In With Iceberg Interactive

Together with developers Winglett Entertainment, Iceberg Interactive have announced their collaboration on challenging physics-based puzzle game Radical Relocation, coming to Steam’s Early Access Program in Spring 2020. Watch the trailer below and be sure to wishlist it! Too eager to…

Interstellar Rift Signs with Publisher Iceberg Interactive

Dutch developer Split Polygon and publisher Iceberg Interactive have announced their upcoming collaboration on sci-fi simulation title Interstellar Rift, is currently available through Steam’s Early Access Program. Explore the gameplay trailer below and make sure to wishlist it now on…

Circle Empires Rivals Goes into Open Beta

Together with developer Luminous, we will be hosting an open-beta for our upcoming, multiplayer RTS Circle Empires Rivals! This exciting opportunity will take place on Steam NOW with players able to join in on the fun all week (23-29 January…

Iceberg Interactive Huge space-themed giveaway!

This year’s first full moon falls today, so Iceberg Interactive is throwing out an introductory giveaway of 2020 into the fray! (final rhyme, I promise…) What can players win? SPAAAAACE related goodies. Iceberg Interactive is giving away three packs with…

Iceberg Interactive Publisher Weekend Sale Now ON

The Iceberg Interactive Publisher Weekend has officially kicked off on Steam and will run until November 25th. Savings of up to 85% will be available on over 40 titles from the company’s catalogue; including their two newest releases – management…

New Strategy Narrative game Star Dynasties Announced

Publisher Iceberg Interactive and developer Pawley Games have announced their collaboration on upcoming strategy game Star Dynasties. Channel your inner Lannister and rule over your scattered space empire while trying to balance family dramas, political intrigue and military conflict. Star…